Fighting, running, hiding
Stories from Ireland and Italy

Audrey Snow

Twitter: @audysnow Hometown: Cape May, N.J. Professor: Nat Clymer Class: Photojournalism Takeaway: I learned about the power of a storm, the vulnerability of its victims, and the calm that can follow. And I learned that you have to take risks to get good shots. It is easy to go and capture something still, but when a house is transformed into a sinking ship right in front of you, you have to think and act fast, if you want to document it. When I took the pictures of the house in the bay a day later, the weather was sunny and beautiful, as if there had been no storm at all. It was difficult to imagine what could have caused the migration. Although I witnessed the house detaching and moving in the current the night before, with the sun and beauty of the day, I found myself thinking, “How did it get here?”


The Storm That Swallowed A House

Hurricane season is always a threat. But the nor’easter of early October 2015 was unlike any other.