Fighting, running, hiding
Stories from Ireland and Italy

Dario Maya and Ryan Flynn

HOMETOWNS: Dario is from East Brunswick, N.J.; Ryan is from Rahway, N.J. PROFESSOR: Regina Marchi CLASS: Media and Social Change TAKEAWAY: We discovered that there were different takes on Ecuador’s indigenous protests, each focused on either the "good" or "bad" aspects of the demonstrations. While some articles concentrated on the negative aspects, such as the rioting and violence, others covered both the violence and the peace. Our research served as a reminder of how vital it is to develop stories that avoid tainting the significance of a social movement, so media consumers can discover the truth.


When the story depends upon who is telling it

Spanish-language news media saw legitimacy in Ecuador's summer 2022 indigenous protests, while English-language outlets more often portrayed the social movement as violent and dangerous.