Fighting, running, hiding
Stories from Ireland and Italy

Monica Sainz

Hometown: Rockaway, N.J. Professor: Regina Marchi Class: Media and Struggles for Democracy in Latin America Takeaway: This experience opened my eyes to the realities that Central Americans face, and while their lives and circumstances are totally different than mine, they taught me lessons about life, culture and community. Hearing their stories helped cultivate my Guatemalan story, and understanding of the country. Writing this piece made me realize how much I miss exploring this beautiful country, and how intensely I long to return some day.


Guatemalans are Dangerous

...And other myths about a misunderstood country The Guatemala I envisioned was impoverished, dirty, antisocial and sad. After a gruesome 36-year civil war between the government and leftist guerrillas that ended in 1996, when few were...