Fighting, running, hiding
Stories from Ireland and Italy

Safaa Khan

Twitter: @safaa__khan Hometown: Somerset, N.J. Professor: Carol Cassidy Class: Writing for Media Takeaway: The hijab, for me, has always been more than a way to practice my religion. I have used it a way to proudly wear my identity and make a stand. I was able to use my personal experiences and combine those with the facts to write a compelling story about why stereotypes are problematic and inaccurate. I also wanted to stress that the cycle of terror is never ending for Muslims and minorities, and can only be fixed society takes a stand against hateful and false rhetoric.


Putting on the Hijab

My decision to put on the scarf was no longer just a symbol of my fidelity to my religion. It also represents defiance against Islamophobia, and a demand for justice for marginalized communities.