Fighting, running, hiding
Stories from Ireland and Italy

Susmita Paruchuri

Professor: Regina Marchi Class: Media and Struggles for Democracy in Central America Takeaway: Rebeca [Lane] really touched me with the way she spoke about the dichotomy between hating the patriarchial community around her and her strong connection to her Guatemalan roots. I think that feeling transcends culture, and Rebeca put it so eloquently in the context of Guatemala's political landscape and Central America's hip-hop industry. It’s easy to go to a different country and to make a quick judgment of its culture and social norms, but Rebeca challenged me to examine my own society.


Killing them Brutally

One woman's quest to publicize femicide in Central America -- through hip-hop   The Mayan women and girls of Guatemala in their traditional clothing bring vibrant color to the streets. Their lovely bronze skin glows along with...

The Making of a He-Man Vegan

Rushil Patel moved from meat-eater to vegan and animal rights activist. "It's a journey," he said.