Fighting, running, hiding
Stories from Ireland and Italy

Yifei Ji

Twitter: @CheeFred Hometown: Shanghai, China Professor: Mary D'Ambrosio Class: Travel Writing Takeaway: During the overheated presidential campaign, we learned from a certain candidate about how corporations relocate employment to the Third World in pursuit of cheaper labor. While politicians tend to shift blame to the developing countries, writing a story about people who were accused of "stealing" jobs from across the ocean made me look at the issue from another perspective. As the most important part of the global supply chain, countries like China surely take tremendous advantage of global trade, which largely constitutes their blossoming economies and therefore substantiates their proliferating political leverage. However, do their people really get to enjoy the benefits from a prosperous nation? How much did they sacrifice to contribute to the development of their society? Can their physical and psychological health get equal attention as ours do? I believe my story sheds light on these questions. he story I did on the factory workers at Foxconn, a major contract manufacturer of Apple, shed light on those questions.


They Jumped From the Roof. Could I Find Out Why?

What was hidden inside an enormous human factory that generates such great business success -- and so much unhappiness?